


Dir. Holland Kerr

An astronaut, investigating the crash of a space station on a distant desert planet, receives a signal that water has been found. Sweaty and exhausted, she eagerly follows the signal deep into the belly of a mysterious cave.

First-ish Contact

Dir. Kai Smythe

A low paid government employee makes first contact with an alien species.

Hide & Seek

Dir. Rami Abbas

“Hide & Seek” is an animated short film that narrates the story of a child and his fish on their journey into the unknown, following the raid on the child’s town during the ongoing war ravaging his country. The short film captures the steps of this journey and its transformations, concluding as the child reaches one of the coasts.

Little Hiccups

Dir. Fitriani Revanda

“In our everyday lives, some things happen that we cannot really explain…or can we?”

A silly story about the little monsters scampering around the hidden corner of our life.

Concrete Denizens

Dir. Jessica Sherlock

Concrete Denizens is a short documentary that explores the inclusive skateboard scene developing in Brisbane. It’s a discussion of what skateboarding brings to individuals and their community. The documentary features interviews with female skateboarders from the We Skate QLD community group, a crew dedicated to diversifying South East Queensland’s skateboarding community. Featuring music from local Brisbane bands, this documentary is a celebration of art, sport and a community built on concrete.

Deanna Hanby

Dir. Caitlin Johnston

Deanna Hanby is a pioneering force in the world of manufacturing. In this short biographical documentary, we chart a journey of resilience, determination, and a steadfast commitment to advocating for gender equality in the industry. Trained as a qualified electrician during a time when female representation in the field was scarce, Deanna defied stereotypes and blazed a trail beyond what many (and even herself) expected. A tale of courage and self-belief, Deanna is a down-to-earth legend leading the way in far north Queensland and beyond.


Dir. Jack Hinz

After experiencing the confronting realities of cow farming as a child, Anthony Walsgott abandoned his life as a lawyer to purchase a pristine 120-acre block on Queensland’s Mary River—a place which is now home to Australia’s largest cow sanctuary.

Angel Signs (official MV)

Dir. Fernando de Miguel Fuertes

Isaac Puerile is an angel-in-training navigating the corporatised universe of Heaven Inc. and Hell Org. How will the battle between his circumstances and his true nature evolve?

Cuando Fui Clandestino / When I Was Clandestine

Dir. Ian Gibbins

“Mi verso lo engendran las noches de toque de queda… Nadie sospechó de mis estudios internacionales. O sino salgo hecho carbón en la parrilla, de aquella Casa de la Tortura del Cuartel Borgoño… Cuando fui clandestino.”

Juan Garrido Salgado emigró a Australia desde Chile en 1990, huyendo del régimen que quemó su poesía, lo encarceló y lo torturó por su activismo político.

“My verse is born by the nights of the curfew… Nobody suspected my international studies. Otherwise I would’ve been charcoal on the grill of the House of Torture of the Borgoño… When I was clandestine.”

Juan Garrido Salgado immigrated to Australia from Chile in 1990, fleeing the regime that burned his poetry, imprisoned him, and tortured him for his political activism.


Dir. Mark Bernard

We follow the story of a person born in Australia with Indian roots, navigating the challenges of fitting into a culturally intricate society. The main character faces a profound internal struggle, wrestling with the complexities of their identity and feeling caught between two different worlds, unable to find a genuine sense of belonging. As the plot develops, the protagonist sets out on a reflective journey, undergoing a transformative process that offers them a new perspective on life. Embracing their distinctive heritage and life experiences, they come to the realisation that authenticity is the key to discovering their rightful place in the world.

Mahika Kai

Dir. Kieran Mpetyana Satour

Set against the wild terrain of Wānaka, MAHIKA KAI follows a family of Kāi Tahu cultural conservators and knowledge-holders on their mission to rehabilitate disintegrating landscapes through the regeneration of their traditional food gathering practices.

Tūmai Cassidy’s tautiakitaka (guardianship) draws on the wisdom of his ancestors, restoring both traditional Māori food sources such as tuna (eel) and Weka (bird), as well as the language intrinsic to these practices. Tūmai’s Whānau (family) hold a deep connection to, and understanding of, this place. Overcoming the destruction of colonisation that caused the decline of their whenua (land), their efforts in caring for Country are bringing vitality and renewed growth to their communities and the local ecosystems.


Dir. Danni Fenech

“I’ve never felt safe walking home…”

Amidst the empty fields of a quiet, country town, an innocent first meeting becomes something much more sinister.

*Viewer discretion advised


Dir. Sam Ferris Bryant

As an important music performance approaches, Alakai struggles to keep her life from falling apart.

Cowboy L.A

Dir. Thomas McKay-Parry

Lachlan McBriare’s belligerent attempts at ‘playing cowboy’ are usually endearing… but when his old ranch partner and next-door neighbour, Isabelle Frasier, ages out of his games and into the arms of the new kid in town (Nick Patel), Lachlan has to change.

Donning a bruised ego and the alter ego ‘Cowboy L.A.’, he plans to settle things with Nick the Wild West way – with a duel. When the time comes to confront his problems, L.A. must choose to put down the pistols and respect Isabelle’s wishes for peace or catch the bandit and lose their friendship forever.


Dir. Kayley Atkinson

A woman in mourning is taken on a journey through her memories to find closure.

Mine Mine Mine

Dir. Duncan Ragg

A bed-bound man reflects on his childhood with Peter Pan, and how sometimes everyone grows up without you.

Paper Daisies

Dir. Mikayla Grosse

Paper Daisies is a 13-minute dramatic short, incepted by the reminiscence of being a kid, being completely carefree, and safe within the walls of your family home. Growing up, leaving home, and beginning to feel the weight of the world, we can find ourselves longing for those days we took for granted.


Dir. Kailani D’Amour, Tin Huyen Pham

Erzi decides to become a professional musician, but his Mother’s history of rejection may ultimately pull them apart.

The Wilted Rose

Dir. Elise Lamb

A musically gifted woman attempts to leave an abusive relationship with dire consequences.

*Viewer discretion advised, trigger warning- domestic violence

Welcome to Esh Life

Dir. Abdul Mateen

Set in late 2000’s Logan, Rayan, a sixteen-year-old South Asian lives in an abusive and low socioeconomic household. One summer day, a chance encounter with a group of Eshays leads to an unlikely companionship that teaches Rayan a new way of life and its consequences.

*Viewer discretion advised, course language, strong themes, violence

Aboriginal Warrior

Dir. Gary Hamaguchi

Chris Collard grew up in a home without love. He thought the world hated him, so he hated it back. Going in and out of juvenile detention, and eventually turning eighteen behind bars, Chris decided to turn his life around.
Realising he was repeating the detrimental cycles of those around him, he moved away from his family and friends to pursue kick boxing. Within five years he was a Kickboxing World Champion. Taking control of his future, Chris is now a loving father and husband who passes on the principles of Kickboxing to help youth learn anger management and self-respect.

Baban Darrang
(mother tree)

Dir. Genevieve Grieves

Baban darrang celebrates the journey of Wurundjeri-willam / Dja Dja wurrung / Ngurai illum wurrung woman Mandy Nicholson, exploring the ways we embody, grow, nurture and transmit knowledge and culture over time, and how we do this both on an individual and community level through honouring our Ancestors.

Baban darrang reflects on Mandy’s journey of seeking out and connecting with knowledge throughout her life. In striving to revive culture and language, Mandy has evolved to become a powerful knowledge-holder, standing tall and grounded in the strength she has gained through connecting with Country and Ancestors. Mandy shares this knowledge with her clan – with women and young ones – to nurture them on their journey to ground themselves, to grow tall and stay connected with Country, with culture, and to nurture one another.


Dir. Kieran Satour

Yindjibarndi man, Wimiya Woodley, takes us on an immersive journey of self discovery back to his homelands. Originally established by his grandfather Woodley King, Ngurrawaana was set up as a place of rejuvenation and recovery for Yindjibarndi people who had lost their way. Wimiya shows us how being back on country helps his people find their spirit and power amongst their ancestors.

We Are Warriors –
Through The Fire

Dir. Corey “Nooky” Webster, Gabriel Gasparinatos, Kieran Satour

In “Through The Fire” rapper, producer and radio host, Nooky tells the Yuin story of the black cockatoo:

“The story of the black cockatoo is a white cockatoo who sacrificed himself by flying through fire in order to help other people. Going through the fire was painful and torturous, but he made it out on the other side. He didn’t give up, he sang the rain. Carrying the lessons and scars, which changed his coat from white to black, he is now a symbol of hope and selflessness. In its essence, it’s a tale of persistence, unwavering strength and resilience. I went through the fire and We Are Warriors is what I carried with me. Believe me when I tell you though this is just the beginning.”

The “We Are Warriors” documentary is dedicated to inspiring, equipping and empowering Indigenous youth to succeed by connecting them with First Nations role models.

Arlo & the Sea

Dir. Damian Overton

Arlo lives by the sea and spends most of his time alone, until he meets a boy named Finn.

Ballad of the Bench

Dir. Jack Giam

You never know when a particular page will change your life – for better or for worse. Len, a man fermented by time, reminisces on a life lived. Time acting like a film projector, he forages through his memories.


Dir. Brodie Pyke

Nate is twenty-three years old, living with autism and discovering the horrors of the gay dating scene in Sydney. After his well meaning best friends sign him up to Grindr, can Nate overcome his fear of pretty much everything to find the man of his dreams?

Welcome to Queen’s Land

Dir. Hugh Whitehouse

A celebration of stories from the past, present, and future stars of Meanjin drag.

Peek behind the foundation and powder as “Welcome to Queens’ Land” (W2Q) shares stories of the the performers, productions, history, and venues helping to foster the drag scene here in the sunshine state.

*Viewer discretion advised

Maude & Gordon at the End of the World

Dir. Siobhan Domingo

After what would normally be a fleeting and forgetful one night stand, two strangers wake up to find that the sun is exploding, and with 24 hours left to live they have no choice to try and find peace in each other’s company.


Dir. Nathan Still

A woman uses guided meditation to help clear her mind and escape from the dread that lurks behind her front door.

Based on a true story.

*Viewer discretion advised, trigger warning- domestic violence


Dir. Anderson Shane

An occult collector gets more than he bargained for when he buys some haunted audio cassettes.

An ode to older eras of horror, specifically the 60’s and 70s.

*Viewer discretion advised


Please note our semi finalists will not be screened at the Underdog Film Fest.

Art is a Doing Thing

Dir. Hugh Whitehouse

Explore the arts practice of Meanjin-based visual artist and performer Micah Rustichelli as he investigates the relationship between the self, the body and exterior reality.


Dir. Sean Grace

When a disgraced actor takes the lead role in a banana commercial to refresh his career, his picky eating habits result in on-set chaos that will test the limits of his sanity.

Chatworld Forever

Dir. Kirrily Snape, Tasman Colquist

Inside an online video game, three punk rockers must band together to save their community when two money hungry tycoons threaten to rebrand their digital home, Chatworld.

In the style of 90s/2000s Australian children’s programs like Round the Twist, Chatworld Forever is a loud and unapologetic celebration of youth culture, community, and sticking it to the man!


Dir. Anthony Coleman

A man agrees to partake in a gameshow without being told how to win.


Dir. Valentina Plisko

We spend too many hours day after day in front of our screens, their luminescent light beaming on our faces like a torch. We forget the glimmer of light that comes with exploring, adventure and fun. Do you miss it?
Choose which glow will fulfil your life.


Dir. James Freemantle

When life gives you Lemon, sometimes that’s all you need.
Beatrice and Raff are lost – one in grief and the other in questioning his worth. Lemon has the least to live for and perhaps the most to give.

Pegasus Highway

Dir. Ethan Grahek

Two Bronies (Adult male fans of small, collectable Pony toys) are out to buy weed for their first time. Unbeknown to them, it is also their dealers first deal. What should have been a simple transaction quickly devolves, forcing one of the Bronies to chauffeur the eccentric drug dealer on a psychotic road trip. But there is more to these Bronies than the dealer could ever fathom.

Power to Country

Dir. Josef Jakamarra Egger

Power to Country is an intimate portrait of Garrwa woman Shirley Simon, displaced by global shifts in climate and a lack of stable power. Shirley was forced to leave her family’s homelands on a beautiful island in remote Northern Territory because of energy insecurity but the place she escapes to, the nearby town of Borroloola, is also dealing with an energy crisis. As a strong matriarch, Shirley wants to ensure her descendants are connected to their country and culture — community-owned solar power might just be the solution she needs to return home.

Red Lantern

Dir. Sangeetha Gowda

On the finale night of a play he has self-financed, Alex questions if years spent pursuing a dream with little success and the fractured relationship with his immigrant father, have been worth the sacrifice.


Dir. Ryan Neil Butler

A forensic pathologist attempts to maintain decorum when April Fool’s Day pranks disrupt life at the morgue. Pranks are fun – but in a morgue, they can scare you stiff.

Two Coffees

Dir. Kevin Duran Du

As the day begins, Edoardo and his granddaughter set out on their routine errands, a poignant look into their bond. Yet, as they make a final stop, the true nature of their relationship and Edoardo’s reality unfold, shedding light on the complexities of aging and familial love.

Words are Weapons

Dir. William Unsworth, Abigail Knight

Words may not leave bruises but they have the potential of causing real harm, this brilliantly emotional film follows a schoolgirl, dealing with the anguish of cyber-bullying. When she comes face to face with her bullies after school we see the serious consequences of the written word.